Wednesday, January 16, 2008

15/366- Skater

Went down to my local skate park to keep with my theme, Movement, for the week. Started off with my telescope, 70-300mm, but was having shake issues. The group of kids started to hit a ledge/seat (off to the left off camera) and so I switched to my stock 18-55mm. I had also switched to using my flash seeing that without it, I had shake problems. Exposed enough so that the flash captured the subject fine, yet slow enough to streak and lights, able to see what else is there (instead of subject and blackness behind him), as well as capture the sunset, which I think was looking nice. This was also my very last shot. Saw it in preview and said, "That's it!" I may try more there this afternoon.

DateTime digitized: 2008:01:16 17:34:01
Exposure Program: Manual
Exposure Time: 1/10 sec
FNumber: f 3.5
Focal length: 18 mm
ISO: 100

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